Registration for Fall 2025 is NOW OPEN for all officials.

CIF-SS Incident/Ejection Report

The CIF-SS has initiated a new 2021 Misconduct Report (ejection) to be used by all associations in all sports


1.    As soon as possible after the game has concluded, call or text Paul Caldera 714-906-5174 

2.    As soon as possible after the game has concluded, call, text or email Mark Andrews 714 5536093 (Click the name “Mark Andrews” in green to immediately generate an email.

3. Read the January 2021 Communication from Thom Simmons regarding ejections and incidents. You will find the INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING AN EJECTION beginning on page 4 CIF SS 2021 Ejection Memo

4.    Go to CIF Misconduct Incident and Ejection Forms

5.    Choose your sport from the drop-down menu

6.    The password is: 123

7.    If you are unfamiliar with the process watch the short YouTube video on the succeeding page

8.    Choose “Incident” or “Ejection”

9.    Fill out the form that is provided

10.   Choose the name of the Liaison at the bottom of the page that the report will be sent to for      processing.

11.     If necessary complete the OCFOA Incident report form as well.


This is the only form that will be accepted by the CIF.

Once the report is received by the Liaison he/she will process the report by submitting it to the appropriate school administrator.