OCFOA Committees 2024
By-Laws Committee
Bill Graham (Chair) *President (Brian Brennan)(Adviser) Tony Bryant, Rich Brown
Referee Evaluation and Review Committee
— (Chair) – *President (Brian Brennan)(Adviser)
Ratings Committee
Andy Bruer(Chair)
Mentoring Committee
Jason Boykin (Chair) *Vice President
Social Committee
MaryAnn Menlove (Chair) *Vice President (Jason Boykin)(Adviser)
Nomination and Elections Committee
Tim McCune(Chair) *President (Brian Brennan)(Adviser)
Crew Chief Selection Committee
Mike Darakjian(Chair)
Recruitment Committee
Bill Graham(Chair)
Retention Committee
Bob Nunez(Chair)
Web Site Committee
Troy Leonard (Web Master), *Secretary (Troy Leonard)(Adviser)
Awards Committee
Secretary (Troy Leonard)(Chair), Executive Board
Rookie of the Year Award Committee
First year Instructors(Bob Biggio, Kyle Cason)
Ethics Committee
Darryl Jones (Chair), Marce Almaraz, Daniel Muniz, Bob Hatcher, Thomas Cantrell. (Operates independently and can not have a board member; Chair by presidential appointment)