New Flip/Challenge Coins have arrived

All, the new OCFOA flip/ Challenge coins have arrived.

All, the new OCFOA flip/challenge coins have arrived.

We are selling Challenge/Flip coins to the association at $5 Each. The cost of each coin is $4.22. The difference in the cost of the coin and the proceeds will be deposited in the Chad Wilson Scholarship Fund for our future officials.

If you are not aware of how a challenge coin works the lower the number, the better. Each coin has a numeric value ranging from 001 – 500 on the edge of the coin.

1.      Coins 1 and 2 are reserved for Association Archives.

2.      11 through 25 are reserved for Auction. 5 a year (3 years) and proceeds will go towards the scholarship fund.

3.      General Association. Limit 5 per individual. First coin will be the next coin available (limit 1 under 100). then numerical

4.      General Association. 2nd round after season starts and I am confident all individuals have had an opportunity to order.

Priority will go to the first email by date and time for selections.

Finally, payment can be made by Venmo to me, check or in cash during meetings. I will keep track and release coins in person ONLY. I will not mail them.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Troy Leonard

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